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Lately, I have been thinking a lot about seasons. Seasons of growth, seasons of struggle, seasons of a lot of laughter, and seasons of a lot of tears. I think back and remember being at the beach with my girls which represents an incredible, memory filled season with late night talks and feelings of overwhelming love from my people (not to mention the beach, I mean hello). As I was reflecting this morning on that season, I began to long for it again. I longed for the closeness of my best friends. I longed for the countless adventures that I said yes to with no second thoughts. I longed for everything to go back to like it once was. And then the Lord al sweetly reminded me that ALL seasons are necessary.

There has to be seasons of struggle to appreciate the seasons of growth. There has to be seasons of tears to make the seasons of laughter even sweeter. So be reminded like I am being reminded that whatever season that you are currently in, that is EXACTLY where the Lord wants you to be. Don’t rush the season that you are in to get to the next one because if you let him, our ABBA Father will grow you and teach you things that you could never learn in another season. We won’t get it perfect all of the time and for that, there is endless grace. But let’s be people quick to find contentment in today.


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I hope this has encouraged and challenged you to fall deeper in love with Jesus! Thanks again for taking the time for reading. :) 

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